
邀請三個好朋友到新家開午夜house warming party


Samantha: You see Manhattan? We Had it all! 曼哈頓你看到了嗎? 我們什麼都不缺!
隔壁鄰居: Fuck You!!! fuck!!(因為已經半夜 Sam突然大吼吵到鄰居)
Sam: You wish! 你想的美! (你想fuck也fuck不到咧)


她便想辦法報復,自己列印傳單 (上面印Richard的照片 並註解: 小心壞男人)

女警: Ma'am, it's against city law to deface public property.

Samantha: This man said he loved me and I caught him eating another woman's pussy. (這個人口口聲聲說愛我,卻被我抓到劈腿)

女警: Carry on, ma'am. (那樣的話請繼續。)

看到自己的Absolut Hunk大樓廣告之後,

Smith: F**k me! 哇靠

Samantha: Well, that's the first thing every woman in town will be saying after she sees it. 那是每個女人看到這個廣告之後說的第一句話。(F**k me=*我吧!)

Smith: It's huge! 這東西真大! (意指他的廣告)

Samantha: And that's the second. 這是第二句。(意指女人們覺得他的**很大)


Samantha: Well, it's about fucking time! Come over here and do me!

Carrie: Is that your standard greeting now?



Samantha: How we are in bed is how we are in life.
I've never met a man who was bad in bed but good at life.


有次Charllotte很煩惱,因為他的男伴會在高潮時對她大喊:You fucking bitch and you fucking whore!

Charlotte: Do you think I'm a whore? 妳覺得我像妓女嗎?

Samantha: Oh please, if you're a whore, what does that make me?



Carrie: I'm thirty-five. 我已經35歲了。

Samantha: Oh, shut the fuck up, I'm a hundred and forty.
拜託! 我都140歲了! (誇示法)

Samantha曾經有兩個禮拜都沒有"orgasm",她為此非常頹喪, 於是找朋友商量。

Carrie: Now let's retrace your steps. Were you on top?

Samantha: How is that relevant? (這有關係嗎?)

Charlotte: You mean you can have them on the bottom?

Samantha: Top, bottom, upside down...(上面、下面、倒立…)

Carrie: All right, now you're just showing off. (好了好了,妳只是在炫耀吧。)


(1)Ladies, can we just cut the cake and get out of here? I have a three-way to go to.


【她們去參加baby shower的時候,Samantha對Carrie她們說的話】

(2)The only way to do a threesome is to be the guest star.



(3)Marriage doesn't guarantee a happy ending. Just an endding.



(4)The women who wrote that book wrote it because they couldn't get laid. So they constructed this whole bullshit theory to make women who can get laid feel bad.


(5)Before you buy the car, you take it for a test drive.


(6)My weekends are for meeting new guys so I don't have to keep fucking the old ones.


(7)If their tongue's just going to lay there, what do you think their dick's going to do?


【這是Samantha對於bad kisser所下的注解。我不好意思翻的太直接...哈哈】

(8)I don't put my dick in you.




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