
Be careful to open the Ex-file. It’s Pandora’s box.

Your flowery curiosity seduces you to grab and open it.






What is your motivation?

1.      You would like to learn a lesson from their past.

2.      You would like to estimate how high the risk you will get the sexual disease.

3.      The more you know, the more you understand.

4.      You purely want to raise a stupid topic during the dinning.


Is it really helpful to develop a relationship when you open all the Ex data?

Ex-girlfriends, Ex-wives, Ex-boyfriends (if luckily he is bi-sexual, you have to double your worry) all these stuffs are just like ghost, keep haunting around you.


You might start to confuse: why they broke up, why they divorced? Why they can still be good friends after ended the relationship, while other probably never see each other for the rest of their life.

How much the property they need to separate? Which side children would be? All these doubtful doubts keep confused you while they do not want to talk about their past.

Or, if they are extrovert enough and glad to share their past experience with you, will you make thing clear in your head?


No. you wouldn’t, and you will not.


You might get some cross-reflection after you read the files.

If luckily, his file is only 50M capacity, it ok, lucky you!

You can still deal with it, just need sometimes to digest it.

What about the files you open capacity is about 200G?!

Then, you need to take times to figure it out what the problem inside of the files. Should you take it as references or just ignore it?



They broke up because their parents do not allow them to be together.

They divorced because they can not just be a good company to each other.

They broke up because they had hard communication problem.

They divorced because men start to find his wife just want to steal all the property away.


One thing you have to make it clear.


That love and chemistry disappear or run out of for so many reasons.


In the end, the answer is simple: love is gone.


Hence you cannot endure anymore.

You forgot how to share and how to compromise to fix up the relationship.

The point is that are you still want to try hard to fix it up while love is gone, or just be brave, let it go free and move on.


Comic books, Heineken, projects for Quarter 4, Audi, and bleed surgeries.

That is what I can hear from crowed guys in the coffee shop in this evening.


Plus, why there are stupid immature guys playing WII around the corner while my translation paper just stock and cannot clearly figure what I try to translate, should it be the place for resting, reading, writing, and probably thinking....if they got brains.


Ok, back to the original topic, sorry the words looks kind of flying so does something in my head.

When you accidentally open the file, no matter how rational the one is, she can still get tarry stool, if the file is too big to digest it.  


If inevitably, terribly, unfortunately, the chemistry happened, somehow you confused yourself by the ex file while it is similar to the desperate experience you had been through,

Should you dive?


Should you believe it again without putting your suitcase on other's back?

Should you persuasive yourself all these things are new starting, don’t be that sensitive? Your nightmare will not occur again.

Are you ready for rumbling while you ask the same question to him/her?


They are so professional and experienced. They know how to control their emotion when they start to feel it is going to open while I always have a belief human born to be innocence.

Bring in on, and prove you care,

bring it on to show important I am.  




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